Tip: This is the document for API in https://tap4.ai.

Generic Introduction

The document is the API description for API by Tap4 AI(https://tap4.ai). Here will provide the method on how to request the API.

1. API Host

All API requests should be sent to the following base URL:


Tips: HTTPS is mandatory for all API requests to ensure secure communication

2. API Key

The API Key is provided in the user profile section of Tap4 AI(https://tap4.ai/profile/api-call-records). Developers should include the API Key in the request header as shown below:

Authorization: Bearer {API Key}

3. Request Limits

To ensure a consistent developer experience for all API users, the Notion API is rate limited and basic size limits apply to request parameters.

Rate Limits

Rate-limited requests will return a "rate_limited" error code (HTTP response status 429). The rate limit for incoming requests per integration is an average of three requests per second. Some bursts beyond the average rate are allowed.

Url Converter API

1. Introduction of Url Converter API

The API is built for converting the website url to json data. The json data about website including screenshot, title, description, detail content.

2. Request of Url Converter API

API Path: /open/url-converter

Http Method: POST

Request limit: 120 seconds per request

Request Header:

Authorization: Bearer {API Key}
Header Field Type Description
Authorization String e.g. Bearer {API_KEY}, API_KEY can be found in the user profile in Tap4 AI

Request Body:

    "url": "<https://tap4.ai>",
     "tags": ["AI Blog Writer","Translate"],
    "languages":["Simplified Chinese","Japanese","English"],
    "key": "{api_key}"
Field Type Description
url string Required, The detail url of website. e.g. https://tap4.ai. One request will cost 5 credits.
tags array of objects Option, select the tags list which is relative with the website by AI. Only for paid user.
languages array of objects Option, the languages list that the result content should provided. The cost for multi languags is 2 credits per languages.
callback_url string Option, the callback url which will be called the result is completed
key string Option, the Authorization key for the callback url request.

Response Body:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "操作成功",
  "data": {
    "traceId": "tap4-ai-1719399142646"
Field Type Description Example value
code int The code of result 200
msg string The message of result Succeed
data object The data object of result {
"traceId": "tap4-ai-1719399142646"

} | | traceId | string | The traceId of result. The traceId can be used to query detail of result. | tap4-ai-1719399142646 |

Tips: The request API will callback with the callback_url & key in the request body, and request callback_url by post method with the result data.

3. Query result of Url Converter API

API Path: /open/url-converter/result

Http Method: GET

Request limit: 10 seconds per request

Request Header:

Authorization: Bearer {API Key}
Header Field Type Description
Authorization String e.g. Bearer {API_KEY}, API_KEY can be found in the user profile in Tap4 AI

Request Body:

    "traceId": "tap4-ai-1719399142646"
Field Type Description
traceId string Required, the trace_id response in the request for url converter.

Response Body:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "操作成功",
  "data": {
    "status": "completed",
    "result": {
      "url": "<https://getgenie.ai/>",
      "name": "getgenie-ai",
      "title": "AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI",
      "description": "Getgenie.ai: GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts, offering features such as Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis, and Chatbot capabilities. With its powerful GPT-4o technology and NLP integration, GetGenie helps users write and rank content 20 times faster. Additionally, it is available as a WordPress plugin and a SaaS solution, making it a versatile tool for all your content creation needs. Join the Affiliate Program today and experience the benefits of using GetGenie!",
      "detail": "## Introduction of GetGenie AI \\n GetGenie AI is the AI assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts",
      "screenshot_data": "<https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-1719474817.png>",
      "screenshot_thumbnail_data": "<https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-thumbnail-1719474821.png>",
      "tags": [
        "AI Blog Writer",
      "languages": [
          "language": "Simplified Chinese",
          "title": "AI内容写作师 & SEO助手 | GetGenie AI",
          "description": "GetGenie是内容写手和SEO爱好者的终极AI助手,提供关键词研究、竞争对手分析和聊天机器人等功能。凭借其强大的GPT-4o技术和NLP集成,GetGenie帮助用户写作和排名内容的速度提高20倍。此外,它可作为WordPress插件和SaaS解决方案使用,是满足您所有内容创作需求的多功能工具。立即加入联盟计划,体验使用GetGenie的好处!",
          "detail": "<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|>助理"
          "language": "Japanese",
          "title": "AIコンテンツライター&SEOアシスタント | GetGenie AI",
          "description": "GetGenieは、キーワードリサーチ、競合分析、チャットボット機能などを提供する、コンテンツライターやSEO愛好家向けの究極のAIアシスタントです。強力なGPT-4o技術とNLP統合により、GetGenieはユーザーがコンテンツを20倍速く書いてランク付けするのを支援します。さらに、WordPressプラグインおよびSaaSソリューションとして利用可能であり、すべてのコンテンツ作成ニーズに対応する多目的ツールとなっています。アフィリエイトプログラムに今すぐ参加して、GetGenieの利用メリットを体験してください!",
          "detail": "<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|>アシスタント"
          "language": "English",
          "title": "AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI",
          "description": "GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts, offering features such as Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis, and Chatbot capabilities. With its powerful GPT-4o technology and NLP integration, GetGenie helps users write and rank content 20 times faster. Additionally, it is available as a WordPress plugin and a SaaS solution, making it a versatile tool for all your content creation needs. Join the Affiliate Program today and experience the benefits of using GetGenie!",
          "detail": "<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant"
Field Type Description Example value
code int The code of result 200
msg string The message of result Succeed
data object The data object of result {
"traceId": "tap4-ai-1719399142646"

} | | status | string | The status of the url converter job | completed | | result | object | The object of result | | | url | string | url field in result object | https://getgenie.ai/ | | name | string | name field in result object, to identify the name of the website | getgenie-ai | | title | string | title field in the result object. Generated by AI for the new title for the url | AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI | | description | string | description field in the result object. Generated by AI for the description for the url | Getgenie.ai: GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts | | detail | string | detail field in the result object. Generated by AI for the detail content for the url. It’s markdown format to show the detail content for the url. The content including introduction, core feature, price, faq etc. | ## Introduction of GetGenie AI \n GetGenie AI is the AI assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts | | screenshot_data | string | screenshot_data field in the result object. The data is screenshot for the input website with the url. | https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-1719474817.png | | screenshot_thumbnail_data | string | screenshot_thumbnail_data field in the result object. The thumbnail of screenshot is the half size of screenshot. | https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-thumbnail-1719474821.png | | tags | array of objects | The tag list that is related with the website by AI. | [ "AI Blog Writer", "Translate" ], | | languages | array of objects | The language list based on the input. And output the language for the fields including title, description, detail | | | language | string | language field of languages list. The language is based on the input language | Simplified Chinese | | title | string | title field in the language list object. Generated by AI for the new title for the url and based on the detail language | AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI | | description | string | description field in the language list object. Generated by AI for the description for the url and based on the detail language | Getgenie.ai: GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts | | detail | string | detail field in the language list object. Generated by AI for the detail content for the url and based on the detail language. It’s markdown format to show the detail content for the url. The content including introduction, core feature, price, faq etc. | ## Introduction of GetGenie AI \n GetGenie AI is the AI assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts |

Callback Url

The request API will callback with the callback_url & key in the request body, and request callback_url by post method with the result data.

API: Based on the callback_url in the request url

Http Method: POST

Request Header:

Authorization: Bearer {Key}
Header Field Type Description
Authorization String e.g. Bearer {KEY}, KEY is based on the input in the request

Request Body:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "操作成功",
  "data": {
    "status": "completed",
    "result": {
      "url": "<https://getgenie.ai/>",
      "name": "getgenie-ai",
      "title": "AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI",
      "description": "Getgenie.ai: GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts, offering features such as Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis, and Chatbot capabilities. With its powerful GPT-4o technology and NLP integration, GetGenie helps users write and rank content 20 times faster. Additionally, it is available as a WordPress plugin and a SaaS solution, making it a versatile tool for all your content creation needs. Join the Affiliate Program today and experience the benefits of using GetGenie!",
      "detail": "## Introduction of GetGenie AI \\n GetGenie AI is the AI assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts",
      "screenshotData": "<https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-1719474817.png>",
      "screenshot_thumbnail_data": "<https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-thumbnail-1719474821.png>",
      "tags": [
        "AI Blog Writer",
      "languages": [
          "language": "Simplified Chinese",
          "title": "AI内容写作师 & SEO助手 | GetGenie AI",
          "description": "GetGenie是内容写手和SEO爱好者的终极AI助手,提供关键词研究、竞争对手分析和聊天机器人等功能。凭借其强大的GPT-4o技术和NLP集成,GetGenie帮助用户写作和排名内容的速度提高20倍。此外,它可作为WordPress插件和SaaS解决方案使用,是满足您所有内容创作需求的多功能工具。立即加入联盟计划,体验使用GetGenie的好处!",
          "detail": "<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|>助理"
          "language": "Japanese",
          "title": "AIコンテンツライター&SEOアシスタント | GetGenie AI",
          "description": "GetGenieは、キーワードリサーチ、競合分析、チャットボット機能などを提供する、コンテンツライターやSEO愛好家向けの究極のAIアシスタントです。強力なGPT-4o技術とNLP統合により、GetGenieはユーザーがコンテンツを20倍速く書いてランク付けするのを支援します。さらに、WordPressプラグインおよびSaaSソリューションとして利用可能であり、すべてのコンテンツ作成ニーズに対応する多目的ツールとなっています。アフィリエイトプログラムに今すぐ参加して、GetGenieの利用メリットを体験してください!",
          "detail": "<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|>アシスタント"
          "language": "English",
          "title": "AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI",
          "description": "GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts, offering features such as Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis, and Chatbot capabilities. With its powerful GPT-4o technology and NLP integration, GetGenie helps users write and rank content 20 times faster. Additionally, it is available as a WordPress plugin and a SaaS solution, making it a versatile tool for all your content creation needs. Join the Affiliate Program today and experience the benefits of using GetGenie!",
          "detail": "<|start_header_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant"
Field Type Description Example value
code int The code of result 200
msg string The message of result Succeed
data object The data object of result {
"traceId": "tap4-ai-1719399142646"

} | | status | string | The status of the url converter job | completed | | result | object | The object of result | | | url | string | url field in result object | https://getgenie.ai/ | | name | string | name field in result object, to identify the name of the website | getgenie-ai | | title | string | title field in the result object. Generated by AI for the new title for the url | AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI | | description | string | description field in the result object. Generated by AI for the description for the url | Getgenie.ai: GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts | | detail | string | detail field in the result object. Generated by AI for the detail content for the url. It’s markdown format to show the detail content for the url. The content including introduction, core feature, price, faq etc. | ## Introduction of GetGenie AI \n GetGenie AI is the AI assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts | | screenshotData | string | screenshotData field in the result object. The data is screenshot for the input website with the url. | https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-1719474817.png | | screenshot_thumbnail_data | string | screenshot_thumbnail_data field in the result object. The thumbnail of screenshot is the half size of screenshot. | https://img.tap4.ai/tools/2024/6/27/getgenie-ai-thumbnail-1719474821.png | | tags | array of objects | The tag list that is related with the website by AI. | [ "AI Blog Writer", "Translate" ], | | languages | array of objects | The language list based on the input. And output the language for the fields including title, description, detail | | | language | string | language field of languages list. The language is based on the input language | Simplified Chinese | | title | string | title field in the language list object. Generated by AI for the new title for the url and based on the detail language | AI Content Writer & SEO Assistant | GetGenie AI | | description | string | description field in the language list object. Generated by AI for the description for the url and based on the detail language | Getgenie.ai: GetGenie is the ultimate AI Assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts | | detail | string | detail field in the language list object. Generated by AI for the detail content for the url and based on the detail language. It’s markdown format to show the detail content for the url. The content including introduction, core feature, price, faq etc. | ## Introduction of GetGenie AI \n GetGenie AI is the AI assistant for Content Writers and SEO enthusiasts |

Response Code

Status Codes

HTTP response codes are used to indicate general classes of success and error.

Success Code

Status Quote Description
200 Successfully processed request.